Piriformis Syndrome
Tension Headaches: Natural Relief
This is a way of relieving tension headaches without drugs. If you don’t have someone to do the release, then go online and purchase an Occipivot pillow that simulates someone’s fingers. Lay on the pillow at least 2 minutes to get some relief.
Parker Patella Protection Program
This is a 6 week program to help with the health of your knee. This is the first video. The Parker pinch is the next step. If a quick result is necessary, try the McConnell tape technique in the VMO post.
Parker Patella Protection Program
Parker Patella Mobilization
This is the first video of a 6 week program to relieve stress on your kneecap. The next video would be the Parker Pinch. If necessary for quick results, the McConnell tape job would help.
Parker Pinch: How to build a healthy VMO (knee)
Parker Drawer: ACL test for laxity for people with small hands.
Concussion Management: So your kid has a concussion, now what?
Ingrown Toenail Tape Job